Dental Implants vs. Bridges/ Dentures

Dental Implants vs. Bridges/ Dentures If you're missing one or more teeth, then y ou might have been thinking about replacing your missing teeth with dental implants . At the same time, you might also be considering less expensive alternatives using a dental bridge or denture. Of course, dental implants typically cost several folds more than bridges or dentures, so what should you do? Is it worth spending the extra bucks to get dental implants? Or is it fine to settle for a bridge or denture instead? To make the right decision, you need to understand the benefits of dental implants over alternative treatment options. Here is everything you need to know about the pros and cons of dental implants over bridges and dentures: Pros of Dental Implants Implants Do No Harm Implants are superior to bridges and dentures in that they don’t damage your other teeth. Placing a dental implant does not negatively impact any other tooth in your mouth. On the other hand, p lac...